Nant E Parc 2020

Helpful support & guidance to help you and your children stay safe online

2020 is the year of virtual meetings, blended learning and spending more time online. Join Mr Tilley for our #NantEParc virtual online safety workshop on Monday 16th November 10am. This virtual meeting will provide support & guidance to help you and your children stay safe online.


With more and more time online there has never been a more important time to stay alert and safe online. Whether that's through video calls, such as Zoom and Whatsapp, or watching more videos online through Twitch and Youtube, or keeping our chidlren safe while spending more time on new video game consoles and watching streaming videos across the world.


Here I have included all the resources from today's Internet Safety Virtual Meet incluidng top guides for the next generation of gaming consoles that will be on the top of everyone Christmas lists, what is Twitch and Streaming and how can we monitor it? Is Zoom / Video streaming safe and how can I protect myself and my data?


Please feel free to use the guides provided below to help you during these trying times.


Digital learning has helped so many stay connected during lockdowns and the Covid -19 pandemic. It allows us to share and experience others compainies while staying safe and secure. If you need any guidance / support linked to any of these issues in regards to your children's learning or any general questions regarding staying safe online, please contact the school on 02920 832116 or send us a message on the website using the contact now feature.


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