A governor is a volunteer that cares about teaching, learning and children. They represent the local community and are part of a team, which accepts responsibility for everything a school does. Our governing body works very hard for the school. The governing body is made up of the following representatives:
Chair of Governors: Mrs. C. James
Minor Authority Representative: Mr. D. Berry
LA Representative: Mrs. P. Skipper
LA Representative: CB Cllr. J. Roberts
Community Representative : Mrs.L. Lazenby
Parent Representatives: Mrs. J. Harries, Mrs. J. Frost and Mrs. T. Nelder
Vice-Chair of Governors: Mrs. M. Blundell
Co-opted Members: Miss. R. Collins and Cllr J. Roberts
Teachers’ Representative: Miss. K. Nelson
Non-Teaching Representative: Vacancy
Headteacher: Mrs N. Davies
Clerk to Governors: Mr. M. Powell