Diligent Daffodils is a Year 1 class. There are two adults in our class that help us learn, Mr Tilley- Class teacher and Miss Saunders- Teaching Assistant.
Welcome to our new topic - Fighting Fit!
Within our topic sessions we will be learning all about our different foods, keeping healthy, all about ourselves and people who help keep us safe!
During our language lessons the chidlren will have the opportunities to explore a variety of different writing activities including story writing, recount writing, poems, instructions and reciepes!
During our mathematical development sessions we have been developing our number knowledge through adding, subtracting, multiplying and solving word problems. Year 1 will be creatingdifferent food by using 2D shape printing, creating 3D models of emergency service vehicles using the iPads and develop their understanding of symmitry through practial activities! Year 1 will also be exploring number, time and place value.
We will also be developing our Welsh Oracy and Reading skills this term and following the adventures of Fflic and Fflac through their stories.
I would like to thank you all for your continued support and if you have any question or queries my door is always open.
Many thanks
Mr Tilley
Information for Parents/Carers
Pupils will be welcomed at the door at 8:50AM Year 1's door is located left of the main office. Pupils will also be sent home from this door at 3:15PM. All new class information and upcoming events will be available in the Year 1 notice board just outside the Year 1 classroom.
Monday afternoon is Year 1's Forest School time so if chidlren can have wellies for Monday or these can be left in school as we have storage available. (Please ensure your child's name is on their wellies to help ensure your child's wellies can be found)
Home learning tasks, spellings and reading books will be sent home every Friday, please can these be brought back to school by the following Friday. Please ensure you read with your child regularly, if you require more books please ask. Please ensure that spellings are practised at home as the pupils are tested on these every Friday.
Please also ensure your child has appropriate PE kit for PE lessons which include t-shirt, shorts and suitable footwear. These all need to be clearly labelled. PE is an important part of your childs development, all children need to take part in PE lessons every week. Our PE session is Wednesday morning.
If your child would like fruit snack at playtime it will cost 30p a day.